HTML : otherwise knows as Hyper Test Markup language, is the language used to create web pages
HTML is a test formatting language
Using HTML you can create a Web page with text, graphics sound and video
URL Uniform Resource Location
Browser A software program which is used to show web pages
Codes enclosed in angle brackets <>
Usually paired
No Case Sensitive
告诉电脑这个是个HTML文件 这个是HTML的代码头,在尾部也有一个相似的符号,代码都需要卸载这个里面This is a Heading
This is a paragraph.
Baidu Seach Engine 这个写在括号里面的就是属性一些简单的快捷指令(红色的表示常用的或者好用的)
1.ctrl+D: copy and paste a line
2.ctrl+L: delete a line
3.ctrl+Z: undo
4.ctrl+K: comment
5.ctrl+shift+K: cancel the comment
8.ctrl+alt+Enter: insert a blank line above
6.ctrl+N: new a file
7.ctrl+O: open
9.ctrl+S: save
10.ctrl+shift+Up/Down: move the line up or down